Recent headlines have been inundated with disclosures from past and present student’s stories of of sexual harassment and assaults across many influential secondary schools. Accompanying these stories have been the usual calls by particular commentators ready to blame pornography as the root cause of the problem. Pornography has been singled out from broader media ecologies as the cause of misogyny, violence against women; negative body image; but predominately is the fear that young people are learning more about sex from pornography, than from adult gatekeepers, mistaking porn for a manual for sexual intimacy. Much of the discussion of pornography talks of young people being ‘exposed’ to pornography; completely ignoring the fact that some young people actively choose to engage with pornography to satisfy their curiosity and for their own pleasure. However, research has shown, by discussing pornography solely in terms of harm, may negatively influence people’s perceptions of their own use, increasing shame, and embarrassment. Unfortunately, social conditions persist where attitudes to teenage sex are seen as problematic and the majority of parents and safe adults who work with them, refuse to acknowledge young people’s right to sexual citizenship. This is especially true for young women. Sex is still something that happens to women, that teenage boys do to girls. Perhaps, instead of focusing on porn, we concentrate on acknowledging young people’s right to sexual citizenship (especially that of young women); enabling them to recognise their own sexual rights and pleasures, developing empathy and the importance of acknowledging others rights too.