University faculty

Emily Corrigan-Kavanagh

Surrey Future Fellow in Designing AI for Home Wellbeing (FEPS)

Derk-Jan Dijk

Professor of Sleep and Physiology

MariaLaura Di Domenico

Professor of Entrepreneurship, Work and Organization

Deborah Dunn-Walters

Professor of Immunology (Associate Dean Research and Innovation, FHMS)

Nigel Gilbert

Professor of Sociology (IAS Director)

Josef Kittler

Professor of Machine Intelligence

Catherine McNamara

Head of Guildford School of Acting (GSA)

Jane Ogden

Professor of Health Psychology

Glenn Parry

Professor of Digital Transformation (Associate Dean Research and Innovation, FABSS)

Justin Read

Professor of Astrophysics

Emma Taylor

Surrey Future Fellow (FHMS)

Jin Xuan

Professor of Sustainable Processes (Associate Dean, Research and Innovation, FEPS)

External Member

Professor Rao Bhamidimarri

Chairman, Carbondown