The paper discusses and explains the reasons that disparities and discrepancies prevail between Global North and Global South with regard to datafied family and society in general. The main question is to identify why the Global South is reluctant, dubitative even hermetically closed to reveal family secrets and facts.
Algeria as part of the South is a case study in this paper. Thus, in this country, characteristics of opacity and conservatism values and principles appear to prevail without challenges. Also, fields of culture, education, ethics, religion and politics constitute the main obstacles and hurdles to build up a datafied family that lead to family dynamics. More than that, social inequality, gap trust, injustice, lack of transparency , lack of law and order, freedom of the press contributed to adopt secretive and discreet attitudes.
It is assumed that the democratisation of the society is intimately linked to the level of political awareness, openness, commitment, civil society, citizenship engagement and in this case, Algeria is still striving to achieve such democratic goals, values and practices.
Yet, the conception and perception and implementation of datafied society are far from being well explained and understood. Algeria has inherited a socialist regime with unique party system and one way of thinking and subsequently rejecting opposite views. Citizens are trying very hard to catch up with a new political, economic and cultural environment based on principles on plurality and diversity of opinions and ideas.
So, if my paper is accepted I will provide some answers on the problematic difficulties and constraints of setting up datafied family in the Global South and Algeria in particular.