Family intervention is a long-established mechanism of state control, but recent technological developments are facilitating new regulatory capacities and objectives. This paper will explore how contemporary policy interventions in the UK are converging around a technological solutionist ideology that centres family relationships as core instruments of social management. The last decade has seen a marked techno-administrative turn, with family state relationships increasingly mediated through online portals and dashboards. Over the last few years this data centric model has accelerated towards an algorithmic approach to governance through the incorporation of big data surveillance, predictive analytics and behavioural interventions to monitor and regulate populations. We trace the embedding of data collection frameworks into apparently conventional family intervention programs and show how this ‘datification’ was made into a core delivery tool. We also highlight how secrecy, or at the very least strategic silence, has restricted public knowledge of how and why data is being collected and used in the UK. We show how parents and children are being quantified and translated into data points to support new logics of choice manipulation, ceding unprecedented power to financiers, data analytic companies, platform developers and big tech companies. We argue that public and private data extraction and its furthering of behaviourist agendas have serious implications for families and as such deserve critical scrutiny.