Previous studies have shown that digital parenting (using digital technologies in parental practices) may increase parental pressure and alter the distribution of labour between family members and among the family and other institutions such as daycares (Lim, 2019; Beckman & Mazmanian, 2020). Here, we examine how this argument holds up in the Danish context, where gender parity in parenting, female employment and daycare provision are considered pillars of the welfare state. To understand how digital media shape family dynamics, this study integrates theories of social reproduction, digital labour, and intersectionality. Empirically, this research uses a longitudinal approach and consists of more than 40 in-depth interviews with parents of children aged 0-12 living in Denmark. The study finds that various types of labour are involved in digital parenting in Denmark, using both state and commercial platforms. These include subsistence activities, such as online grocery shopping, but also forms of immaterial labour such as performing digital kin work or teaching emotional and communication management to children who are starting to interact with digital media. While digital media can help with some aspects of parenting, this study finds that much of the immaterial labour cannot be delegated to them. Moreover, digital tools intensify some types of pre-existing labour (e.g., relational communication) and create novel types of work for parents, including user labour (Jarrett, 2022). Finally, through the use of an interactive and visual tool inspired by Doucet’s household portrait (2001), the interviews reveal that different types of labour are unevenly distributed within households and among members of different social groups. Following Lai (2021), this paper argues that differences in the distribution of digitally mediated reproductive labour are likely to exacerbate inequalities, adding a “digital shift” and subjecting parents’ practices to extensive datafication and commodification.