Hochschild (2003) argued that individuals face a commodity frontier – the expansion of the market into intimate life as care is privatized. Amazon continues to pursue this frontier with “Alexa Together,” an eldercare system facilitated by the world’s most popular voice assistant. Unlike nursing or companion robots often referenced in discussions of care AI, Amazon does not purport to replace human caregivers; rather it allows individuals to “check in on loved ones with help from Alexa.” Feminist STS critiques of Alexa have focused on the VA as secretary (Lingel & Crawford, 2020), “smart wife” (Strengers & Kennedy, 2020), and domestic servant (Phan, 2019), but this new program evokes the home care worker, a heavily surveilled workforce comprised largely of low-wage women of color. Eldercare monitoring systems like Alexa Together create multiple layers of surveillance – intimate, workplace, and corporate – and they are an excellent case study for exploring the blurry boundaries between public and private. In this study, I explore Alexa Together’s relationship to both care and surveillance through a qualitative content analysis of its public-facing materials, including video advertisements, blog posts, FAQs, how-to videos, and customer support guides, with attention to the visions, of care, home, family, and data collection presented. I observe three key themes emerging throughout the materials. First, monitoring via Alexa Together is portrayed as a form of mediated intimacy between “loved ones,” across distance. Secondly, there is a focus on privacy, but only at the intimate level. While “intimate surveillance” (Levy, 2014) is seen as a threat, data collection by Amazon is minimized. Finally, Alexa Together presents a shaky corporate care infrastructure based on the technology’s “imagined affordances” (Nagy & Neff, 2015) rather than its actual capabilities. These factors are cause for concern, as monitoring technologies are increasingly proposed as market solutions to the growing eldercare crisis worldwide.