This paper focuses on the adoption of online learning platforms by schools in the UK, the increasing use of digitised forms of school-home communications, and the impacts these have on mothers with primary school aged children. Drawing on qualitative data from a study of families living in the West Midlands, this paper explores the ways in which educational technologies and digitised communications blur the spaces of home and school and impacts on mother-child relationships. Some mothers emphasised the importance of placing boundaries around ‘home time’ and ‘school time’ as a way to manage the demands from schools to engage with digitised homework. Other participants spoke about the emotion work they did to help their children to manage these early years of formal education and online homework. In conclusion, the paper reflects on the way in which the contemporary digitisation of education increases the labour of mothers and can be understood as part of the contemporary configuration of intensive motherhood. I also reflect on the ways in which mothers’ understandings of their children’s wellbeing are being shaped in relation to an increasingly datafied system of primary schooling where there is an emphasis on meeting targets.