We do not notice everything in front of us, due to our limited attention capacity. What we attend to forms our conscious experience and is what we retain over time. Thus, creative content creators must strive to direct your attention in different media, from cinema to computer games. To do this they have developed various techniques that involve either directly using centrally presented cues such as arrows or instructions to move attention or rely on image features or so- called “bottom-up” cues that involve manipulating the salience of the parts of an image. Shifting attention usually involves moving our central vision around a screen, but this problem becomes more pronounced in virtual environments where users are free to explore by moving in any direction through it. This can be seen in first- person view screen- based computer video games. Such an experience allows the user to choose how they sample their environment. Often the designer of the environment wishes the user to interact and view certain parts of the scene. In this study we test out a subtle manipulation of visual attention through varying depth of field. Varying depth of field is a cinematic technique that can be implemented in virtual worlds and involves keeping parts of the scene in focus whilst blurring other parts of the scene. We use eye tracking to investigate this technique in a 3D game environment, rendered on a monitor screen. Participants navigated through the environment using keyboard keys and began by freely exploring in the first part and in the second part were instructed to find a target object. We manipulated whether the frames were rendered fully in focus (termed a deep depth of field) or whether a shallow depth of field was applied (where the outer edges of the scene appear blurred. We measured where on the screen participants looked. We divided the screen into 3×3 equal sized regions and calculated the proportion of the time participants spent looking in the central square. On average across all trials participants spent 67% of their fixation time on the central area of the screen. This means that they preferred to navigate by looking in the direction they were heading in. We found that there was a significant difference when freely exploring the scene – participants spent more time looking in the centre of the screen when a shallow depth of field was applied than with a deep depth of field. This was no longer the case during the search task. We demonstrate how these techniques might be effective for manipulating attention by keeping user’s eyes looking straight ahead when they are freely exploring a virtual environment.