Thorne-Żytkow Objects are a class of hybrid stars (Thorne & Żytkow 1977), consisting of a neutron star, surrounded by a diffuse convective envelope.

The formation rates of TŻOs are not well constrained but the presence of a modest population of such objects in the Galaxy could have a significant effect on Galactic Chemical Evolution. Optimistically, a large fraction of X-ray binaries end up as TŻOs, contributing to the abundance of p-process elements.

Farmer et al. (2023) placed a central boundary condition at ~600km above the centre of the star whereas we instead opt to place this at the surface of the neutron star and make use of an accretion prescription set by the opacity at the base of the envelope to model the release of gravitational energy.

We construct a series of models that show differences from those of Cannon and Farmer. Our models’ structures show an analogue of the supergiant-like solutions from TŻ and Cannon et al., these solutions being found across a wide range of masses, including where TŻ found a different, giant-like structure.

We find that the deviation from the Cannon et al. series can be explained by our prescriptions for neutrino generation, while the more significant differences to Farmer et al. are likely a function of the differences in boundary conditions.

We discuss the implications of the possible existence of differing series of structures for TŻOs. We also discuss the implications of our structures for nucleosynthetic pathways, and the further effects on GCE.