Nucleosynthesis yields from sub-Chandrasekhar (sub M-ch) and Chandrasekhar (M-ch) SN Ia progenitors have been discussed and debated for decades on their contributions to iron peak elements in the cosmos. Investigating SNe Ia in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) and dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) with different star formation and chemical enrichment histories may shed light on the progenitors in different environments. To this end,  we incorporate metallicity dependent SN Ia yields from different progenitors within our novel inhomogeneous chemical evolution model, i-GEtool, and compare the predicted chemical abundances to observations in different UFD and dSph galaxies. While the observed [Mn/Mg] ratios increase towards higher metallicities both within single galaxies and when considering galaxies with different metallicity distributions, the observed [Ni/Mg] ratios show a weaker correlation. In my talk, I will show that our models for UFD and dSph can reproduce the observed trends along with their scatter without invoking any contribution from sub M-ch SN Ia progenitors, at variance with previous studies in the literature. I will discuss the implications of our findings for the observed iron peak elemental abundances in the Milky Way halo and disks, outlining our future plan.