Dr Man received her PhD degree in physics at Princeton University. Her research areas include photonic materials, soft condensed matter physics, and nonlinear optics. For her PhD thesis (2005), she studied the world’s first 3D photonic quasicrystal and visualized its nearly spherical effective Brillouin zone. She also pioneered in studying ellipsoid packing and colloidal thin-film cracking during her PhD and post-doctoral period at Princeton University. Later at New York University, she studied self-organized criticality in sheared suspensions. Since 2008, Dr Man has been a faculty member in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at San Francisco State University (SFSU). At SFSU, she experimentally generated the first hyperuniform disordered photonic band gap materials and demonstrated their isotropic band gaps and proved their intrinsic advantage in functional defect design enabled by their isotropy. Furthermore, she studied light-induced transparency and nonlinearity in colloidal suspensions, as well as light-induced disordered photonic lattices.
Geraint F. Lewis is a Professor of Astrophysics at the Sydney Institute for Astronomy, part of the School of Physics at the University of Sydney. Originally from Old South Wales, Geraint undertook degrees at the University of London and Cambridge, before postdoctoral positions in the USA and Canada. He joined the Anglo-Australian Telescope in 2000, before moving to the University of Sydney in 2002. His research focuses upon the dark side of the universe, with theoretical, observational and computational studies of the dark matter and dark energy which dominate the evolution of the cosmos.
Dr Andrea Carnaghi is an associate professor in Social Psychology at the University of Trieste (Italy). His research interest and expertise concern the interplay between social cognition and language (e.g. how the way we speak shapes the manner in which we think), social cognition and neuroscience (e.g., reduced empathic responses at the brain level for sexually objectified women), and social cognition and inter-group relations (e.g., how social categorization and stereotypes affect self- and other-perception, and how stereotypes can be revised). He was awarded the Gordon Allport Prize (sponsored by the G.W.A. memorial fund of Harvard University).
Professor Ramin Jaberi started to study and work in Brachytherapy field at the Tehran University of Medical Science (TUMS) more than 20 years ago. He is Head of Physics of Radiotherapy in Yas Hospital which belongs to Cancer Institute of TUMS. He is involved in treating more than 750 patients who need BT as part of treatment for their cancers. He is also in charge of teaching radiation oncology residents and medical physics students. He is a member of GEC-ESTRO’s 3 subgroups “GYN”, “Physics”, & “Head & Neck, Skin, Eye”. He is visiting Surrey this summer and fall to collaborate with Dr Annika Lohstroh and Dr Shakardokht Jafari (Department of Physics). As part of their project “Moving towards adaptive radiotherapy with high resolution, high accuracy 3D in vivo dosimetry inside the body” they hope to publish several manuscripts in this new field of modern Radiotherapy.
Somayeh is a Ph.D. student at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences where she previously worked as a medical physicist in the Cancer Institute of the university for six years. With ethical approval from her university, she aims to advance the cancer treatment in her department. Her project is on the development of a new method for 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional dosimetry using micro silica bead TLDs to be applied first on a phantom study and then on cancer patients. This addresses the need for using suitable dosimeters to accurately measure radiation dose in small fields with steep dose gradient around the brachytherapy sources to accurately determine the radiation dose distribution in the tumour and also in the organs at risk. This will offer the opportunity of an adaptive radiotherapy.