Associate Professor in the School of Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul in Brazil, Dr Felipe Beijamini’s research expertise is in the ecology of sleep. Dr Beijamini undertook his PhD in cellular and molecular biology at the Federal University of Paranà and has held postdoctoral roles at the Universities of São Paulo and Tuebingen.
Norman P Ho, Associate Professor of Law at Peking University’s School of Transnational Law, is one of the world’s leading early career researchers in the field of Chinese legal thought. Following a masters in Chinese history at Harvard University, he took a Juris Doctor degree at New York University and practiced law in Hong Kong before entering academia.
A reader in astronomy and astrophysics at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Tenerife, Spain), Professor Alexandre Vazdekis is an expert in stellar evolution and galaxy evolution. He studied for his first degree in physics at the University of La Laguna, where he also undertook a PhD in astrophysics, winning the award of best thesis.
Dr Zhengwei Liu is a Professor in the Yunnan Observatories at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and an expert in computational astrophysics, stellar/binary evolution and stellar astrophysics. Prior to his current role he spent four years as a postdoctoral researcher at the Argelander-Institut fűr Astronomie at Bonn University.