Fellowship for external academics
This Fellowship brings together knowledge of women’s reproductive health with expertise in advanced data analysis. Yevheniya Sharhorodska will collaborate with Dr Kaakinen and her group, the Surrey Section of Statistical Multi-Omics, to investigate the relationship between recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) and metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components, including obesity, high blood pressure and increased lipid levels. Building on previously collected data and methods developed by Dr Kaakinen and colleagues for studying the shared genetics of multiple traits, a multi-phenotype statistical analysis will be conducted, the results of which will be presented at two important upcoming human genetics conferences.
Fellowship for external academics
A specialist in the analysis of dynamical systems, Dr Jason Bramburger will spend three weeks in the Department of Mathematics, working with Dr Santitissadeekorn to develop a data-driven tool which enables real-time prediction of disease spread, using Covid-19 data from the Royal College of GPs. The Fellowship will also benefit researchers from the Vet School and other research groups by providing an insight into how to apply machine learning techniques developed by Dr Bramburger to their research.
Fellowship for external academics
Dr Avdic, whose research centres on health and labour economics, will collaborate with Dr Moscelli to conduct an empirical analysis of the causes and consequences of nursing staff shortages on the efficiency and quality of healthcare provision. Using rich data on in-patient spells and hospital resources in Sweden, they will apply sophisticated econometric techniques to identify the impact of factors such as wage levels in different countries on staffing levels and healthcare quality.
Fellowship for external academics
A Professor in Contaminant Hydrogeology, Prof Yuesuo Yang will collaborate with academics in Surrey’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to exchange knowledge on biological technologies which can be used to treat heavy metal and hydrocarbon (eg. petroleum leakage) contaminations in groundwater and soil. As well as devising a sampling strategy using microbial techniques and developing a roadmap for achieving an effective investigation toolbox, the Fellowship aims to broaden knowledge through a seminar for researchers and a UK-China virtual workshop.
Fellowship for external academics
An expert in distributed systems, Professor Vigfusson will work with Professor Chockler to investigate the best way of combining emerging Remote Direct Memory Access hardware technologies with Software Guard Extension technology (which protects computer memory) in order to provide both security and scalability. Their work will benefit from the first-of-a-kind testbed (created at Surrey) combining the two technologies within a single distributed system. As well as leading a deep dive in this topic, Dr Vigfusson will also deliver a TEDx-style talk on ‘Why I teach people how to hack’, and a technical talk on his research.