About 1/2000 children are born with bodies that are deemed to merit medical investigation because they do not meet cultural expectations for male or female bodies. Clinical management and “normalising” surgical and hormonal interventions on individuals with atypical sex anatomies, or intersex variations, have come under pressure from intersex people, humanities scholars, and medical ethicists. Recent years have seen human rights organizations increasingly recognizing medical decision-making about intersex as a human rights issue. This symposium will provide a space in which to have much-needed interdisciplinary conversations about the implications of this complex landscape of law, rights and medical care for intersex people and their families, as well as for the future of health, medicine, and the definition of human rights.
Kitty Anderson, Intersex Iceland
Ruth Baldacchino, ILGA Co-Secretary General
Georgiann Davis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Dr David Andrew Griffiths, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey
Prof Peter Hegarty, School of Psychology, University of Surrey
Prof Kamila Hawthorne, School of Biosciences and Medicine, University of Surrey
Dr Susannah Cornwall, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Exeter
Dr Lih-Mei Liao, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, UCLH Women’s Health Division
Tove Lundberg, PhD researcher, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo
Dr Katrina Roen, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo
Dr Katinka Schweizer, Clinical Psychology, University Medical Centre Hamburg
Dawn Vago, Co-Director, IntersexUK
A conference sponsored by the University of Surrey’s Institute of Advanced Studies and the Wellcome Trust, and the third annual meeting of EuroPSI: the European Network for Psychosocial Studies in Intersex/Diverse Sex Development (dsd)